I Don’t Want to Be Pregnant. Is Abortion My Only Option?

An unexpected pregnancy can raise a lot of concerns which might make it seem like abortion is your only choice. However, there are other paths to consider, including parenting and […]

An unexpected pregnancy can raise a lot of concerns which might make it seem like abortion is your only choice. However, there are other paths to consider, including parenting and adoption. While they both involve carrying the pregnancy to term, there are other things to consider.

If you want to talk through your options in person, Pregnancy Choices is here for you. We provide no-cost pregnancy services and the information you need to make a decision that aligns with your personal circumstances. 

Let’s explore the challenges and rewards of each path to help you feel confident in your next steps.

Thinking About Parenting

Parenting is a life-changing decision, and it’s natural to feel unprepared or uncertain about what lies ahead. Remember, no one starts out knowing everything—it’s a learning experience. Fortunately, many resources and support systems are available to help you feel ready and equipped.

Before deciding, consider questions such as:

  • Are there loved ones, friends, family, or a partner able to provide support?
  • How does parenting fit into my personal or career goals?
  • Am I ready to adjust my lifestyle to put a child’s needs first?
  • Is my physical and mental health strong enough for parenting?

You may not have perfect answers to all these questions. If you have the heart or desire to parent, you owe it to yourself to take it into consideration. 

While parenting requires time, responsibility, and effort, it doesn’t mean giving up on your dreams. With the right resources, you can still pursue your education, career, and financial stability while providing for your child.

Thinking About Adoption

Adoption offers a viable alternative, giving your child a hopeful future while allowing you to make a choice that feels right for your circumstances, especially if you feel unable to parent at this time.

Modern adoption puts you in control, allowing you to choose the adoptive family and decide how much contact you’d like to maintain. The process can be tailored to your preferences, whether you prefer an open, semi-open, or closed adoption.

Adoption can be emotionally challenging, as you may feel like you are “giving up” your child. But you are really giving your child a chance with a loving family that you can help select.

If adoption feels like the right path, connecting with an adoption counselor can provide clarity and support. While Pregnancy Choices does not provide direct adoption services, we can refer you to trusted adoption agencies.

Explore Your Options

At Pregnancy Choices, we are here to provide you with the resources, support, and no-cost pregnancy services you need to make an informed and confident decision.

Our certified life coaches are also here to help you explore your options. Contact us today to schedule a confidential appointment and take the first step toward clarity.

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