Pregnancy Information - Know Your Options | Pregnancy Choices

Pregnancy Information

Pregnancy can be scary, especially when it’s unexpected. We’ve put together some resources to help you at every step of the process.

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Expecting a baby can be an exciting time, but can also lead to an overwhelming amount of questions. We put together some guides to help you have a successful pregnancy and start your parenthood journey.

Services & Programs

Pregnancy Testing

Pregnancy Choices offers confidential lab quality urine pregnancy testing at no cost to you.


We offer no cost, limited obstetric ultrasounds for positive pregnancy tests dated at 6+ weeks pregnant.

STD/STI Testing

We provide women and men off site lab testing for chlamydia and gonorrhea. No insurance needed, results available in 2-4 days.

Programs for Moms

Our programs are designed to teach parenting and relationship skills to expecting or experienced mothers.


Call or Text: 952.234.9850

Pregnancy Choices will be closing early Tuesday, April 30th. We apologize for any inconvenience. We will reopen at 9 am Wednesday, May 1st, and look forward to seeing you then.

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